魔獸世界集換式紙牌遊戲 WOW TCG Azeroth 台灣中文版簡易卡表
台灣中文版卡名 | 英文卡名 | 卡號 | 類型 | 稀有度 | 大概分類 |
Boris Brightbeard | Azeroth Oversize-1 | Hero — Dwarf Priest | Rare | ||
Dizdemona | Azeroth Oversize-2 | Hero — Gnome Warlock | Rare | ||
Elendril | Azeroth Oversize-3 | Hero — Night Elf Hunter | Rare | ||
Graccus | Azeroth Oversize-4 | Hero — Human Paladin | Rare | ||
Litori Frostburn | Azeroth Oversize-5 | Hero — Human Mage | Rare | ||
Moonshadow | Azeroth Oversize-6 | Hero — Night Elf Druid | Rare | ||
Timmo Shadestep | Azeroth Oversize-7 | Hero — Gnome Rogue | Rare | ||
Warrax | Azeroth Oversize-8 | Hero — Dwarf Warrior | Rare | ||
Gorebelly | Azeroth Oversize-9 | Hero — Orc Warrior | Rare | ||
Grennan Stormspeaker | Azeroth Oversize-10 | Hero — Tauren Shaman | Rare | ||
Kayleitha | Azeroth Oversize-11 | 英雄 — 不死盜賊 | Rare | ||
Omedus the Punisher | Azeroth Oversize-12 | Hero — Undead Priest | Rare | ||
Radak Doombringer | Azeroth Oversize-13 | Hero — Orc Warlock | Rare | ||
Sen'zir Beastwalker | Azeroth Oversize-14 | Hero — Troll Hunter | Rare | ||
Ta'zo | Azeroth Oversize-15 | Hero — Troll Mage | Rare | ||
Thangal | Azeroth Oversize-16 | 英雄 — 牛頭人德魯伊 | Rare | ||
亮鬚波瑞斯 | Boris Brightbeard | Azeroth-1 | Hero — Dwarf Priest | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
迪茲莫娜 | Dizdemona | Azeroth-2 | Hero — Gnome Warlock | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
艾倫德爾 | Elendril | Azeroth-3 | Hero — Night Elf Hunter | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
格拉庫斯 | Graccus | Azeroth-4 | Hero — Human Paladin | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
燃霜莉特瑞 | Litori Frostburn | Azeroth-5 | Hero — Human Mage | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
月影 | Moonshadow | Azeroth-6 | Hero — Night Elf Druid | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
影步蒂莫 | Timmo Shadestep | Azeroth-7 | Hero — Gnome Rogue | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
霍萊希 | Warrax | Azeroth-8 | Hero — Dwarf Warrior | Uncommon | 聯盟英雄 |
古若比利 | Gorebelly | Azeroth-9 | Hero — Orc Warrior | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
風暴語者格瑞南 | Grennan Stormspeaker | Azeroth-10 | Hero — Tauren Shaman | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
凱雷斯亞 | Kayleitha | Azeroth-11 | 英雄 — 不死盜賊 | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
懲戒者歐梅達斯 | Omedus the Punisher | Azeroth-12 | Hero — Undead Priest | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
雷達克 厄運使者 | Radak Doombringer | Azeroth-13 | Hero — Orc Warlock | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
森吉爾 馭獸者 | Sen'zir Beastwalker | Azeroth-14 | Hero — Troll Hunter | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
塔祖 | Ta'zo | Azeroth-15 | Hero — Troll Mage | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
贊格拉 | Thangal | Azeroth-16 | 英雄 — 牛頭人德魯伊 | Uncommon | 部落英雄 |
重擊 | Bash | Azeroth-17 | 瞬發技能 — 野性戰鬥 | Uncommon | 德魯伊技能 |
熊形態 | Bear Form | Azeroth-18 | 瞬發技能 — 野性戰鬥 | Uncommon | 德魯伊技能 |
生命迴圈 | Circle of Life | Azeroth-19 | Ability — Restoration | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
糾纏根鬚 | Entangling Roots | Azeroth-20 | 技能 — 平衡 | Common | 德魯伊技能 |
野性凶暴 | Feral Rage | Azeroth-21 | Ability — Feral | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
治療之觸 | Healing Touch | Azeroth-22 | 技能 — 恢復 | Uncommon | 德魯伊技能 |
啟動 | Innervate | Azeroth-23 | 瞬發技能 — 恢復 | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
野性印記 | Mark of the Wild | Azeroth-24 | 瞬發技能 — 恢復 | Common | 德魯伊技能 |
槌擊 | Maul | Azeroth-25 | 瞬發技能 — 野性戰鬥 | Uncommon | 德魯伊技能 |
厚皮 | Natural Defenses | Azeroth-26 | Instant Ability — Feral | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
自然選擇 | Natural Selection | Azeroth-27 | 瞬發技能 — 恢復 | Common | 德魯伊技能 |
自然迅捷 | Nature's Swiftness | Azeroth-28 | Ability — Restoration Talent | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
猛獸攻擊 | Predatory Strikes | Azeroth-29 | Ability — Feral Talent | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
癒合 | Primal Mending | Azeroth-30 | 瞬發技能 — 恢復 | Uncommon | 德魯伊技能 |
星火術 | Starfire | Azeroth-31 | 技能 — 平衡 | Rare | 德魯伊技能 |
瞄準射擊 | Aimed Shot | Azeroth-32 | Ability — Marksmanship Talent | Rare | 獵人技能 |
秘法射擊 | Arcane Shot | Azeroth-33 | Instant Ability — Marksmanship | Common | 獵人技能 |
雄鷹守護 | Aspect of the Hawk | Azeroth-34 | Ability — Beast Mastery | Rare | 獵人技能 |
狂野怒火 | Bestial Wrath | Azeroth-35 | Instant Ability — Beast Mastery Talent | Rare | 獵人技能 |
血爪 | Bloodclaw | Azeroth-36 | Ally — Raptor | Common | 獵人技能 |
鷹眼 | Eagle Eye | Azeroth-37 | Instant Ability — Beast Mastery | Uncommon | 獵人技能 |
烈怒 | Fury | Azeroth-38 | Ally — Cat | Rare | 獵人技能 |
死亡標記 | Marked for Death | Azeroth-39 | Instant Ability — Marksmanship | Uncommon | 獵人技能 |
狩獵大師 | Master of the Hunt | Azeroth-40 | Ability — Beast Mastery | Rare | 獵人技能 |
多重射擊 | Multi-Shot | Azeroth-41 | Instant Ability — Marksmanship | Rare | 獵人技能 |
老骨頭 | Old Bones | Azeroth-42 | Ally — Bear | Uncommon | 獵人技能 |
急速射擊 | Rapid Fire | Azeroth-43 | Ability — Marksmanship | Rare | 獵人技能 |
兇猛撕咬 | Ravenous Bite | Azeroth-44 | Instant Ability — Beast Mastery | Common | 獵人技能 |
雷德爾 | Rayder | Azeroth-45 | Ally — Wolf | Uncommon | 獵人技能 |
追蹤人型 | Track Humanoids | Azeroth-46 | Ability — Survival | Uncommon | 獵人技能 |
秘法智力 | Arcane Intellect | Azeroth-47 | Instant Ability — Arcane | Uncommon | 法師技能 |
閃現術 | Blink | Azeroth-48 | Instant Ability — Arcane | Common | 法師技能 |
腦凍結 | Brain Freeze | Azeroth-49 | Instant Ability — Frost | Rare | 法師技能 |
急速冷卻 | Cold Snap | Azeroth-50 | Instant Ability — Frost Talent | Rare | 法師技能 |
法術反制 | Counterspell | Azeroth-51 | Instant Ability — Arcane | Rare | 法師技能 |
火焰衝擊 | Fire Blast | Azeroth-52 | Instant Ability — Fire | Common | 法師技能 |
火球術 | Fireball | Azeroth-53 | Ability — Fire | Uncommon | 法師技能 |
烈焰風暴 | Flamestrike | Azeroth-54 | Ability — Fire | Rare | 法師技能 |
冰霜新星 | Frost Nova | Azeroth-55 | Instant Ability — Frost | Rare | 法師技能 |
寒冰箭 | Frostbolt | Azeroth-56 | Instant Ability — Frost | Uncommon | 法師技能 |
法力瑪瑙 | Mana Agate | Azeroth-57 | Ability — Arcane | Uncommon | 法師技能 |
變形術 | Polymorph | Azeroth-58 | Ability — Arcane | Common | 法師技能 |
炎爆術 | Pyroblast | Azeroth-59 | Ability — Fire Talent | Rare | 法師技能 |
蕭冬挾持 | Winter's Grasp | Azeroth-60 | Ability — Frost | Uncommon | 法師技能 |
焚世烈焰 | World in Flames | Azeroth-61 | Ability — Fire | Rare | 法師技能 |
力量祝福 | Blessing of Might | Azeroth-62 | Instant Ability — Retribution Blessing | Uncommon | 聖騎士技能 |
保護祝福 | Blessing of Protection | Azeroth-63 | Instant Ability — Protection Blessing | Uncommon | 聖騎士技能 |
智慧祝福 | Blessing of Wisdom | Azeroth-64 | Instant Ability — Holy Blessing | Rare | 聖騎士技能 |
淨化術 | Cleanse | Azeroth-65 | Instant Ability — Holy | Uncommon | 聖騎士技能 |
虔誠光環 | Devotion Aura | Azeroth-66 | Ability — Protection | Rare | 聖騎士技能 |
聖盾術 | Divine Shield | Azeroth-67 | Instant Ability — Holy | Rare | 聖騎士技能 |
制裁之錘 | Hammer of Justice | Azeroth-68 | Instant Ability — Protection | Common | 聖騎士技能 |
聖光術 | Holy Light | Azeroth-69 | Ability — Holy | Common | 聖騎士技能 |
神聖之盾 | Holy Shield | Azeroth-70 | Instant Ability — Protection Talent | Rare | 聖騎士技能 |
懲罰光環 | Retribution Aura | Azeroth-71 | Ability — Retribution | Rare | 聖騎士技能 |
神聖職責 | Sacred Duty | Azeroth-72 | Ability — Protection | Common | 聖騎士技能 |
光明聖印 | Seal of Light | Azeroth-73 | Ability — Holy | Uncommon | 聖騎士技能 |
智慧聖印 | Seal of Wisdom | Azeroth-74 | Ability — Holy | Rare | 聖騎士技能 |
光明之觸 | Touched by Light | Azeroth-75 | Ability — Holy | Uncommon | 聖騎士技能 |
譴責 | Chastise | Azeroth-76 | Ability — Holy | Uncommon | 牧師技能 |
驅散魔法 | Dispel Magic | Azeroth-77 | Instant Ability — Discipline | Uncommon | 牧師技能 |
快速治療 | Flash Heal | Azeroth-78 | Instant Ability — Holy | Common | 牧師技能 |
治療術 | Heal | Azeroth-79 | Ability — Holy | Uncommon | 牧師技能 |
心靈震爆 | Mind Blast | Azeroth-80 | Ability — Shadow | Rare | 牧師技能 |
精神控制 | Mind Control | Azeroth-81 | Ability — Shadow | Rare | 牧師技能 |
精神鞭笞 | Mind Spike | Azeroth-82 | Ability — Shadow | Common | 牧師技能 |
真言術:韌 | Power Word: Fortitude | Azeroth-83 | Ability — Discipline | Common | 牧師技能 |
治療禱言 | Prayer of Healing | Azeroth-84 | Ability — Holy | Uncommon | 牧師技能 |
心靈尖嘯 | Psychic Scream | Azeroth-85 | Instant Ability — Shadow | Rare | 牧師技能 |
復活術 | Resurrection | Azeroth-86 | Ability — Holy | Rare | 牧師技能 |
暗言術:痛 | Shadow Word: Pain | Azeroth-87 | Instant Ability — Shadow | Uncommon | 牧師技能 |
暗影形態 | Shadowform | Azeroth-88 | Ability — Shadow Talent | Rare | 牧師技能 |
懲擊 | Smite | Azeroth-89 | Ability — Holy | Rare | 牧師技能 |
精神治療 | Spiritual Healing | Azeroth-90 | Ability — Holy Talent | Rare | 牧師技能 |
背刺 | Backstab | Azeroth-91 | 瞬發技能 — 戰鬥連擊 | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
冷血 | Cold Blood | Azeroth-92 | 瞬發技能 — 刺殺Talent | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
致命一擊 | Coup de Grâce | Azeroth-93 | 技能 — 刺殺 | Common | 盜賊技能 |
致殘毒藥 | Crippling Poison | Azeroth-94 | Instant Ability — Poison | Uncommon | 盜賊技能 |
致命毒藥 | Deadly Poison | Azeroth-95 | Instant Ability — Poison | Uncommon | 盜賊技能 |
卸除武裝 | Dismantle | Azeroth-96 | Ability — Combat | Uncommon | 盜賊技能 |
剔骨 | Eviscerate | Azeroth-97 | 瞬發技能 — 刺殺Finishing Move | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
破甲 | Expose Armor | Azeroth-98 | 技能 — 刺殺Finishing Move | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
鑿擊 | Gouge | Azeroth-99 | 瞬發技能 — 戰鬥連擊 | Common | 盜賊技能 |
腦葉切除 | Lobotomize | Azeroth-100 | Ability — Combat | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
預謀 | Premeditation | Azeroth-101 | Ability — Subtlety Talent | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
邪惡攻擊 | Sinister Strike | Azeroth-102 | 瞬發技能 — 戰鬥連擊 | Common | 盜賊技能 |
潛行 | Stealth | Azeroth-103 | Ability — Subtlety | Uncommon | 盜賊技能 |
夜幕 | Veil of Night | Azeroth-104 | Instant Ability — Subtlety | Rare | 盜賊技能 |
埋伏 | Waylay | Azeroth-105 | 瞬發技能 — 刺殺連擊 | Uncommon | 盜賊技能 |
閃電鏈 | Chain Lightning | Azeroth-106 | Rare | 薩滿技能 | |
地縛圖騰 | Earthbind Totem | Azeroth-107 | Instant Ability — Elemental | Uncommon | 薩滿技能 |
元素集中 | Elemental Focus | Azeroth-108 | Ability — Elemental Talent | Rare | 薩滿技能 |
冰霜震擊 | Frost Shock | Azeroth-109 | Instant Ability — Elemental | Common | 薩滿技能 |
鬼魂之狼 | Ghost Wolf | Azeroth-110 | Ability — Enhancement | Uncommon | 薩滿技能 |
治療之泉圖騰 | Healing Stream Totem | Azeroth-111 | 瞬發技能 — 恢復 | Uncommon | 薩滿技能 |
治療波 | Healing Wave | Azeroth-112 | 技能 — 恢復 | Common | 薩滿技能 |
閃電箭 | Lightning Bolt | Azeroth-113 | Ability — Elemental | Common | 薩滿技能 |
淨魔術 | Purge | Azeroth-114 | Instant Ability — Elemental | Uncommon | 薩滿技能 |
石化武器 | Rockbiter Weapon | Azeroth-115 | Instant Ability — Enhancement | Rare | 薩滿技能 |
灼熱圖騰 | Searing Totem | Azeroth-116 | Instant Ability — Elemental | Uncommon | 薩滿技能 |
圖騰召喚 | Totemic Call | Azeroth-117 | Instant Ability — Elemental | Rare | 薩滿技能 |
風怒圖騰 | Windfury Totem | Azeroth-118 | Instant Ability — Enhancement | Rare | 薩滿技能 |
風怒武器 | Windfury Weapon | Azeroth-119 | Instant Ability — Enhancement | Rare | 薩滿技能 |
腐蝕術 | Corruption | Azeroth-120 | Instant Ability — Affliction | Uncommon | 術士技能 |
痛苦詛咒 | Curse of Agony | Azeroth-121 | Instant Ability — Affliction Curse | Rare | 術士技能 |
黑暗契約 | Dark Pact | Azeroth-122 | Ability — Affliction Talent | Rare | 術士技能 |
恐懼術 | Fear | Azeroth-123 | Ability — Affliction | Common | 術士技能 |
禁斷的知識 | Forbidden Knowledge | Azeroth-124 | Ability — Demonology | Rare | 術士技能 |
吉米多 | Grimdron | Azeroth-125 | Ally — Imp Demon | Uncommon | 術士技能 |
海爾玟 | Helwen | Azeroth-126 | Ally — Succubus Demon | Rare | 術士技能 |
地獄火 | Infernal | Azeroth-127 | Ally — Infernal Demon | Rare | 術士技能 |
生命分流 | Life Tap | Azeroth-128 | Instant Ability — Affliction | Uncommon | 術士技能 |
火焰之雨 | Rain of Fire | Azeroth-129 | Ability — Destruction | Rare | 術士技能 |
薩莫斯 | Sarmoth | Azeroth-130 | Ally — Voidwalker Demon | Common | 術士技能 |
斷束 | Sever the Cord | Azeroth-131 | Instant Ability — Demonology | Common | 術士技能 |
暗影箭 | Shadow Bolt | Azeroth-132 | Ability — Destruction | Uncommon | 術士技能 |
靈魂鏈接 | Soul Link | Azeroth-133 | Ability — Demonology Talent | Rare | 術士技能 |
吸取生命 | Steal Essence | Azeroth-134 | Instant Ability — Affliction | Uncommon | 術士技能 |
戰鬥怒吼 | Battle Shout | Azeroth-135 | Instant Ability — Fury Shout | Common | 戰士技能 |
狂暴姿態 | Berserker Stance | Azeroth-136 | Ability — Fury | Rare | 戰士技能 |
衝鋒 | Charge | Azeroth-137 | Ability — Arms | Uncommon | 戰士技能 |
順劈斬 | Cleave | Azeroth-138 | Ability — Arms | Rare | 戰士技能 |
防禦姿態 | Defensive Stance | Azeroth-139 | Ability — Protection | Rare | 戰士技能 |
挫志怒吼 | Demoralizing Shout | Azeroth-140 | Instant Ability — Fury Shout | Uncommon | 戰士技能 |
斬殺 | Execute | Azeroth-141 | Instant Ability — Fury | Common | 戰士技能 |
英勇打擊 | Heroic Strike | Azeroth-142 | Ability — Arms | Uncommon | 戰士技能 |
破釜沉舟 | Last Stand | Azeroth-143 | Instant Ability — Protection Talent | Rare | 戰士技能 |
懲戒痛擊 | Mocking Blow | Azeroth-144 | Instant Ability — Arms | Rare | 戰士技能 |
致死打擊 | Mortal Strike | Azeroth-145 | Instant Ability — Arms Talent | Rare | 戰士技能 |
撕裂 | Rend | Azeroth-146 | Instant Ability — Arms | Common | 戰士技能 |
盾擊 | Shield Bash | Azeroth-147 | Instant Ability — Fury | Rare | 戰士技能 |
堅定護衛 | Stalwart Protector | Azeroth-148 | Instant Ability — Protection | Uncommon | 戰士技能 |
破甲攻擊 | Sunder Armor | Azeroth-149 | Instant Ability — Protection | Uncommon | 戰士技能 |
碎臉 | Face Smash | Azeroth-150 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
影形 | From the Shadows | Azeroth-151 | 技能 | Rare | 通用技能 |
隱秘行動 | Sneak | Azeroth-152 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
深入衝突 | Into the Fray | Azeroth-153 | 技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
戰鬥慾望 | Lust for Battle | Azeroth-154 | 技能 | Rare | 通用技能 |
穿刺 | Skewer | Azeroth-155 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
燒毀 | Burn Away | Azeroth-156 | 技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
靈魂召喚 | Call the Spirit | Azeroth-157 | 技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
突然捕獲 | Caught Off-Guard | Azeroth-158 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
精疲力竭 | Exhaustion | Azeroth-159 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
撤退 | Fall Back | Azeroth-160 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
警戒任務 | Guard Duty | Azeroth-161 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
要來一杯嗎? | Interest You in a Pint? | Azeroth-162 | 技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
暗中等待 | Lie in Wait | Azeroth-163 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
緊要關頭 | On Your Feet | Azeroth-164 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
快速打擊 | Quick Strike | Azeroth-165 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
重整旗鼓 | Rally the Troops | Azeroth-166 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
迎接挑戰 | Rise to the Challenge | Azeroth-167 | 技能 | Epic Rare | 通用技能 |
搗碎衝擊 | Shattering Blow | Azeroth-168 | 技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
靈魂醫者 | Spirit Healer | Azeroth-169 | 技能 | Epic Rare | 通用技能 |
瞬間逆轉 | Sudden Reversal | Azeroth-170 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
征服 | Vanquish | Azeroth-171 | 技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
退縮 | Withdraw | Azeroth-172 | 瞬發技能 | Common | 通用技能 |
侍僧迪米婭 | Acolyte Demia | Azeroth-173 | Ally — Human Warlock | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
精兵伯頓 | Adept Breton | Azeroth-174 | Ally — Human Mage | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
阿妮卡柏琳 | Anika Berlyn | Azeroth-175 | Ally — Human Paladin | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
學徒緹普 | Apprentice Teep | Azeroth-176 | Ally — Gnome Mage | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
屍體販子奧古斯 | Augustus Corpsemonger | Azeroth-177 | Ally — Human Warlock | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
火花齒輪比茲克 | Bizzik Sparkcog | Azeroth-178 | Ally — Gnome Warlock | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
沉睡者巴西斯 | Braxiss the Sleeper | Azeroth-179 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
瘋狂的艾格梵 | Crazy Igvand | Azeroth-180 | Ally — Dwarf Warrior | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
多娜 卡琳斯特 | Donna Calister | Azeroth-181 | Ally — Human Warrior | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
殉教者都瑞克 | Dorric the Martyr | Azeroth-182 | Ally — Dwarf Paladin | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
光誓者 菲婭 | Freya Lightsworn | Azeroth-183 | Ally — Dwarf Priest | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
格拉漢瑞 寂靜之林守護者 | Galahandra, Keeper of the Silent Grove | Azeroth-184 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
格爾威 風哨 | Galway Steamwhistle | Azeroth-185 | Ally — Gnome Warrior | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
格瑞特 碎擊 | Grint Sundershot | Azeroth-186 | Ally — Dwarf Hunter | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
勢不可擋的漢娜 | Hannah the Unstoppable | Azeroth-187 | Ally — Human Rogue | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
鐵爐堡守衛 | Ironforge Guards | Azeroth-188 | Ally — Dwarf Warrior | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
凱利斯 真弓 | Kailis Truearc | Azeroth-189 | Ally — Night Elf Hunter | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
柯娜 影銘 | Kena Shadowbrand | Azeroth-190 | Ally — Gnome Warlock | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
國王麥格尼 銅鬚 | King Magni Bronzebeard | Azeroth-191 | Ally — Dwarf Warrior | Epic Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
科爾 灰燼之脈 | Kor Cindervein | Azeroth-192 | Ally — Dwarf Paladin | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
柯頓 麥鬚 | Kryton Barleybeard | Azeroth-193 | Ally — Dwarf Priest | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
科特妮 娜爾女士 | Lady Courtney Noel | Azeroth-194 | Ally — Human Priest | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
珍娜 普勞德摩爾女士 | Lady Jaina Proudmoore | Azeroth-195 | Ally — Human Mage | Epic Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
拉芙爾 | Lafiel | Azeroth-196 | Ally — Night Elf Priest | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
拉托 阿貝圖 | Latro Abiectus | Azeroth-197 | Ally — Night Elf Rogue | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
理洛 傑肯斯 | Leeroy Jenkins | Azeroth-198 | Ally — Human Paladin | Epic Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
勒漢 毒刃 | Lhurg Venomblade | Azeroth-199 | Ally — Dwarf Rogue | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
莉巴 沃布博克 | Liba Wobblebonk | Azeroth-200 | Ally — Gnome Mage | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
格雷森 破影者領主 | Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker | Azeroth-201 | Ally — Human Paladin | Epic Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
衛道者 達安 | Lorekeeper Darian | Azeroth-202 | Ally — Human Mage | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
少校 杜費拉 | Lt. Commander Dudefella | Azeroth-203 | Ally — Human Mage | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
馬克希姆 鐵釀 | Maxum Ironbrew | Azeroth-204 | Ally — Dwarf Paladin | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
梅多克 靈魂守衛 | Medoc Spiritwarden | Azeroth-205 | Ally — Dwarf Priest | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
莫威 平佐 | Melgwy Pingzot | Azeroth-206 | Ally — Gnome Mage | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
梅茲克 暗耀 | Mezzik Darkspark | Azeroth-207 | Ally — Gnome Warlock | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
無情的米羅 | Milo the Unmerciful | Azeroth-208 | Ally — Night Elf Warrior | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
莫拉 暗心 | Moira Darkheart | Azeroth-209 | Ally — Night Elf Rogue | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
奈菈 恩生 | Nerra Lifeboon | Azeroth-210 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
夜綻 | Nightbloom | Azeroth-211 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
帕薇克 | Parvink | Azeroth-212 | Ally — Gnome Warrior | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
倫迪潘 | Randipan | Azeroth-213 | Ally — Gnome Rogue | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
瑞恩 跨夢者 | Ryn Dreamstrider | Azeroth-214 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
哨兵格奎恩 | Sentry Gwynn | Azeroth-215 | Ally — Night Elf Warrior | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
希瓦 暗影舞者 | Seva Shadowdancer | Azeroth-216 | Ally — Night Elf Priest | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
夏琳 夜風 | Sha'lin Nightwind | Azeroth-217 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
史黛琳 銀鋼 | Stylean Silversteel | Azeroth-218 | Ally — Human Priest | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
追跡者格倫 | Tracker Gallen | Azeroth-219 | Ally — Night Elf Hunter | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
樹歌 | Treesong | Azeroth-220 | Ally — Night Elf Druid | Uncommon | 聯盟盟軍 |
垂斯坦 速擊 | Tristan Rapidstrike | Azeroth-221 | Instant Ally — Night Elf Warrior | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
看守者托納林 | Warden Tonarin | Azeroth-222 | Ally — Night Elf Warrior | Common | 聯盟盟軍 |
維爾巴 | Wilba | Azeroth-223 | Ally — Dwarf Hunter | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
懷妮斯 哈利丹 | Wyneth Harridan | Azeroth-224 | Ally — Human Paladin | Rare | 聯盟盟軍 |
阿諾德 佛蘭姆 | Arnold Flem | Azeroth-225 | 盟軍 — 不死法師 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
芭拉 沉默之刃 | Bala Silentblade | Azeroth-226 | 盟軍 — 獸人盜賊 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
羞愧的巴拉克 | Barak the Shamed | Azeroth-227 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
貝尼瑟 德萊格 | Benethor Draigo | Azeroth-228 | 盟軍 — 不死法師 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
貝斯婭 | Besh'iah | Azeroth-229 | 盟軍 — 食人妖牧師 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
血衛 瑪瓦尼 | Blood Guard Mal'wani | Azeroth-230 | 盟軍 — 食人妖盜賊 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
布瑞格 | Brigg | Azeroth-231 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
懺悔者 麥雷德 | Confessor Mildred | Azeroth-232 | 盟軍 — 不死族牧師 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
黑暗牧師 喬卡斯塔 | Dark Cleric Jocasta | Azeroth-233 | 盟軍 — 不死族牧師 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
戴肯 喬安娜 | Deacon Johanna | Azeroth-234 | 盟軍 — 不死族牧師 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
長者莫佛 | Elder Moorf | Azeroth-235 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人德魯伊 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
法塔菲 | Fa'tafi | Azeroth-236 | 盟軍 — 食人妖戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
菲安娜 縛法者 | Fianna Spellbinder | Azeroth-237 | Ally — Blood Elf Mage | Epic Rare | 部落盟軍 |
伽托克 劈顱者 | Gartok Skullsplitter | Azeroth-238 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
吉爾林 行刑者 | Gellrin of the Gallows | Azeroth-239 | 盟軍 — 不死術士 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
鋼角守衛 | Guardian Steelhorn | Azeroth-240 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
海爾納 獨行者 | Halnar Stands-Alone | Azeroth-241 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人戰士 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
祭師 凱迪姆 | Hierophant Caydiem | Azeroth-242 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人德魯伊 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
胡爾 破盾者 | Hur Shieldsmasher | Azeroth-243 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
金萊克 夜牙 | Jin'lak Nightfang | Azeroth-244 | 盟軍 — 食人妖盜賊 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
卡爾 噬靈 | Kaal Soulreaper | Azeroth-245 | 盟軍 — 獸人術士 | Epic Rare | 部落盟軍 |
十字路口的卡格拉 | Kagra of the Crossroads | Azeroth-246 | 盟軍 — 獸人獵人 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
卡卡斯 亡嚎 | Karkas Deathhowl | Azeroth-247 | 盟軍 — 獸人術士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
卡塔利 石牙 | Ka'tali Stonetusk | Azeroth-248 | 盟軍 — 食人妖薩滿 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
庫嵐 大地守衛 | Kulan Earthguard | Azeroth-249 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人薩滿 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
瑪斯騰 永靈 | Masten Everspirit | Azeroth-250 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人薩滿 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
米婭斯 腐蝕者 | Mias the Putrid | Azeroth-251 | 盟軍 — 不死術士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
莫柯 晨曦獵人 | Moko Hunts-at-Dawn | Azeroth-252 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人獵人 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
奧菲利 古墓 | Ophelia Barrows | Azeroth-253 | 盟軍 — 不死戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
奧格瑪步兵 | Orgrimmar Grunts | Azeroth-254 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
不穩定的帕納斯 | Panax the Unstable | Azeroth-255 | 盟軍 — 不死法師 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
普格 | Pugg | Azeroth-256 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
拉克 天怒 | Rak Skyfury | Azeroth-257 | 盟軍 — 獸人薩滿 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
薩穆 格雷 | Samuel Grey | Azeroth-258 | 盟軍 — 不死盜賊 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
絲柯恩 暗影巧施者 | Skorn, Mistress of Shadow | Azeroth-259 | 盟軍 — 獸人術士 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
塔斯汀苟 | Taz'dingo | Azeroth-260 | 盟軍 — 食人妖獵人 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
提瓦 蠻鬃 | Tewa Wildmane | Azeroth-261 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人德魯伊 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
威瑞克 傲蹄 | Vaerik Proudhoof | Azeroth-262 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
瓦薩克 飲靈 | Valthak Spiritdrinker | Azeroth-263 | 盟軍 — 不死術士 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
維施拉 | Vesh'ral | Azeroth-264 | 盟軍 — 食人妖法師 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
維希拉 暗墜 | Vexra Darkfall | Azeroth-265 | 盟軍 — 不死法師 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
沃斯 折樹者 | Voss Treebender | Azeroth-266 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人德魯伊 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
大酋長索爾 | Warchief Thrall | Azeroth-267 | 盟軍 — 獸人薩滿 | Epic Rare | 部落盟軍 |
督軍高圖斯 | Warlord Goretooth | Azeroth-268 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Epic Rare | 部落盟軍 |
看守者瑪爾維 | Watcher Mal'wi | Azeroth-269 | 盟軍 — 食人妖獵人 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
瓦祖利 荒野修師 | Wazzuli Wildmender | Azeroth-270 | 盟軍 — 食人妖薩滿 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
風先知塔如斯 | Windseer Tarus | Azeroth-271 | 盟軍 — 牛頭人薩滿 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
蠕木 | Wormwood | Azeroth-272 | 盟軍 — 不死術士 | Uncommon | 部落盟軍 |
雅穆 | Ya'mon | Azeroth-273 | 盟軍 — 食人妖盜賊 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
佐姆 石怒 | Zorm Stonefury | Azeroth-274 | 盟軍 — 獸人薩滿 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
吉高 破刃 | Zygore Bladebreaker | Azeroth-275 | 盟軍 — 獸人戰士 | Common | 部落盟軍 |
吉菈 屠戮者 | Zy'lah Manslayer | Azeroth-276 | 盟軍 — 食人妖戰士 | Rare | 部落盟軍 |
克羅米 | Chromie | Azeroth-277 | Ally — Dragonkin | Epic Rare | 中立盟軍 |
藍卓 長射 | Landro Longshot | Azeroth-278 | Ally — Goblin Gambler | Rare | 中立盟軍 |
海水鉗嘴龜 | Saltwater Snapjaw | Azeroth-279 | Ally — Turtle | Rare | 中立盟軍 |
雷首角鷹獸 | Thunderhead Hippogryph | Azeroth-280 | Ally — Hippogryph | Rare | 中立盟軍 |
大壞蛋面具 | Bad Mojo Mask | Azeroth-281 | Armor — Cloth | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
炫彩披風 | Chromatic Cloak | Azeroth-282 | Armor — Cloth | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
亡賈胸甲 | Deathdealer Breastplate | Azeroth-283 | Armor — Mail | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
魔暴龍皮護腿 | Devilsaur Leggings | Azeroth-284 | Armor — Leather | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
龍人之盾 | Draconian Deflector | Azeroth-285 | Armor — Shield | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
劍師手甲 | Edgemaster's Handguards | Azeroth-286 | Armor — Mail | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
烈焰之眼 | Eye of Flame | Azeroth-287 | Armor — Cloth | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
雷德之眼 | Eye of Rend | Azeroth-288 | Armor — Leather | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
烏瑟的束腰 | Girdle of Uther | Azeroth-289 | Armor — Plate | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
魔像顱盔 | Golem Skull Helm | Azeroth-290 | Armor — Plate | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
綠色幼龍護甲 | Green Whelp Armor | Azeroth-291 | Armor — Leather | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
火焰頭盔 | Helm of Fire | Azeroth-292 | Armor — Leather | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
赫洛德的護肩 | Herod’s Shoulder | Azeroth-293 | Armor — Mail | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
野性之皮 | Hide of the Wild | Azeroth-294 | Armor — Cloth | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
伊蘭尼庫斯之角 | Horns of Eranikus | Azeroth-295 | Armor — Mail | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
免傷鎖甲 | Invulnerable Mail | Azeroth-296 | Armor — Mail | Epic Rare | 裝備—防具 |
獅心頭盔 | Lionheart Helm | Azeroth-297 | Armor — Plate | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
月布長袍 | Mooncloth Robe | Azeroth-298 | Armor — Cloth | Rare | 裝備—防具 |
骨火 | Skullflame Shield | Azeroth-299 | Armor — Shield | Epic Rare | 裝備—防具 |
要塞護手 | Stronghold Gauntlets | Azeroth-300 | Armor — Plate | Epic Rare | 裝備—防具 |
真銀胸甲 | Truesilver Breastplate | Azeroth-301 | Armor — Plate | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
亡者之牆 | Wall of the Dead | Azeroth-302 | Armor — Shield | Epic Rare | 裝備—防具 |
主教之冠 | Whitemane’s Chapeau | Azeroth-303 | Armor — Cloth | Uncommon | 裝備—防具 |
巴羅夫管家鈴 | Barov Peasant Caller | Azeroth-304 | Item | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
爐石 | Hearthstone | Azeroth-305 | Item | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
百合 | Lei of Lilies | Azeroth-306 | Item | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
石工兄弟會之戒 | Masons Fraternity Ring | Azeroth-307 | Item | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
侍從的徽記 | Myrmidon's Signet | Azeroth-308 | Item | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
諾格弗格藥劑 | Noggenfogger Elixir | Azeroth-309 | Item — Potion | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
燃焰短笛 | Piccolo of the Flaming Fire | Azeroth-310 | Item | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
上古骨弓 | Ancient Bone Bow | Azeroth-311 | Weapon — Bow | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
殲滅者 | Annihilator | Azeroth-312 | Weapon — Axe | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
奧金收割斧 | Arcanite Reaper | Azeroth-313 | Two-Handed Weapon — Axe | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
銀白十字軍 | Argent Crusader | Azeroth-314 | 雙手武器 — 法杖 | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
酒吧兇器 | Barman Shanker | Azeroth-315 | Weapon — Dagger | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
碎靈 | Brain Hacker | Azeroth-316 | Two-Handed Weapon — Axe | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
提米的手 | The Cruel Hand of Timmy | Azeroth-317 | Weapon — Mace | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
命運 | Destiny | Azeroth-318 | Two-Handed Weapon — Sword | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
矮人手持火炮 | Dwarven Hand Cannon | Azeroth-319 | Weapon — Gun | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
水晶蜘蛛之牙 | Fang of the Crystal Spider | Azeroth-320 | Weapon — Dagger | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
烈焰之怒 | Flame Wrath | Azeroth-321 | Two-Handed Weapon — Polearm | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
精靈法師的禮物 | Gift of the Elven Magi | Azeroth-322 | Weapon — Dagger | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
恩賜之錘 | The Hammer of Grace | Azeroth-323 | Weapon — Mace | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
『怪咖』愛德華之手 | Hand of Edward the Odd | Azeroth-324 | Weapon — Mace | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
院長之杖 | Headmaster’s Charge | Azeroth-325 | 雙手武器 — 法杖 | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
尋心者 | Heartseeker | Azeroth-326 | Weapon — Dagger | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
催眠之刃 | Hypnotic Blade | Azeroth-327 | Weapon — Dagger | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
冰刃斧 | Iceblade Hacker | Azeroth-328 | Weapon — Axe | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
虛幻法杖 | Illusionary Rod | Azeroth-329 | 雙手武器 — 法杖 | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
發明家的聚焦劍 | Inventor’s Focal Sword | Azeroth-330 | Weapon — Sword | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
克羅之刃 | Krol Blade | Azeroth-331 | Weapon — Sword | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
食人妖法師魔棒 | Rod of the Ogre Magi | Azeroth-332 | 雙手武器 — 法杖 | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
血色波刃劍 | Scarlet Kris | Azeroth-333 | Weapon — Dagger | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
粉碎者 | The Shatterer | Azeroth-334 | Weapon — Mace | Uncommon | 裝備—武器 |
提布的熾亮長劍 | Teebu’s Blazing Longsword | Azeroth-335 | Weapon — Sword | Epic Rare | 裝備—武器 |
痛擊之刃 | Thrash Blade | Azeroth-336 | Weapon — Sword | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
真銀勇士劍 | Truesilver Champion | Azeroth-337 | Two-Handed Weapon — Sword | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
世界之樹的嫩枝 | Twig of the World Tree | Azeroth-338 | Two-Handed Weapon — Mace | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
怨靈鐮刀 | Wraith Scythe | Azeroth-339 | Weapon — Axe | Rare | 裝備—武器 |
迪菲亞兄弟會 | The Defias Brotherhood | Azeroth-340 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
黑龍的威脅 | Dragonkin Menace | Azeroth-341 | 任務 | Uncommon | 任務 |
失蹤的使節 | The Missing Diplomat | Azeroth-342 | 任務 | Uncommon | 任務 |
人馬無雙! | Counterattack! | Azeroth-343 | 任務 | Uncommon | 任務 |
為部落而戰! | For the Horde! | Azeroth-344 | 任務 | Uncommon | 任務 |
托雷克的突襲 | Torek's Assault | Azeroth-345 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
雪怪計畫! | Are We There, Yeti? | Azeroth-346 | 任務 | Uncommon | 任務 |
達隆郡的戰鬥 | Battle of Darrowshire | Azeroth-347 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
王牌獵人 | Big Game Hunter | Azeroth-348 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
藍葉薯 | Blueleaf Tubers | Azeroth-349 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
找回艾米 01 | Chasing A-Me 01 | Azeroth-350 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
捐獻毛料 | A Donation of Wool | Azeroth-351 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
在夢中 | In Dreams | Azeroth-352 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
深入瘋狂之口 | Into the Maw of Madness | Azeroth-353 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
無人知曉的秘密 | It's a Secret to Everybody | Azeroth-354 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
基布雷爾的特殊寵物 | Kibler's Exotic Pets | Azeroth-355 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
愛情藥水 | The Love Potion | Azeroth-356 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
被困的公主 | The Princess Trapped | Azeroth-357 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
水下寶藏 | Sunken Treasure | Azeroth-358 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
圖加的任務 | Tooga's Quest | Azeroth-359 | 任務 | Rare | 任務 |
財富在等著你 | Your Fortune Awaits You | Azeroth-360 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
被縮小的巨人 | Zapped Giants | Azeroth-361 | 任務 | Common | 任務 |
WoW TCG, 台版, 台灣中文版, 正體中文版, 繁體中文版, 魔獸世界, 集換式, 卡牌, 紙牌, 卡表, 第一版, Azeroth, 艾澤拉斯
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